December 14-16
Painted Bride Art Center, Philadelphia, Pa.
The Rappin SugarPlum Fairy is back in Philly with her battling Hip Hoppin Rats, City Hall Dolls, Captain Philadelphia and Liberty Belle-Anne for another season of the hilarious holiday dance spoof, “Philly-Nutt-Crak-Up”.This original story and rap with a twist on the well-known holiday favorite, the Nutcracker, combining comedy, hip-hop, jazz, modern and ballet dance. “Philly-Nutt-Crak-Up” is filled with references to local Philadelphia places, personalities, foods and skylines. ContempraDance Theatre is the only dance company in the Philadelphia area to bring this top-notch hilarious holiday dance spoof to local audiences.
December 14 8:00 pm
December 15 2:30 pm & 8:00 pm
December 16 11:30 am & 4:00 pm
Friday evening post performance wine & hor d’oeuvres reception (meet the cast and directors of Philly-Nutt)
October 6th
Hobson C. Wagner Auditorium, Berwyn. Pa.
Performing “TimeDance” , “Intersect”, and “Beyond Words”
7:30 performance
October 1-5
Artist in Residency program at Conestoga High School
*Five days of master dance classes for Conestoga High School Dance students.
*One half day dance workshop (The workshop will include lecture, demonstrations, and pre/post performance discussions and a new piece of choreography for the students to perform in the Saturday night full length production. This includes Conestoga students, Great Valley and Downingtown high school dance students).
*40 minute performance assembly program by ContempraDanceTheatre, performing “TimeDance”
April 30-May 4th, 2007
ContempraDance Theatre’s outreach program
Devon Elementary Arts Express week.
Performing TimeDance for 500 Elementary school students
The company will do workshop daily and teach the students a rap and dances from different eras.
April 21, 2007
1:30 pm
Hill School Center for the Arts, Pottstown PA
ContempraDance Theatre premieres a new dance work for the Youth Regional Dance Festival by choreographers Gail Vartanian and Michelle Jones Wurtz.
ContempraDance Theatre presents the third annual 2007 Youth Regional Dance Festival at Hill School Center for the Arts, Saturday, April 21 at 1:30 pm. Each year, this show gathers youth dance groups, comprised of dancers age 7 through 17 from across the region, performing a variety of dance styles. Young dancers enjoy the opportunity to showcase their talents in a non-competitive, creative atmosphere while performing in a professional arena. The festival is part of ContempraDance Theatre’s ongoing effort to bring dance into the spotlight in schools, communities and regional events for youth. Proceeds will help benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
ContempraDance Theatre premieres a new dance work, “TimeDance” for the Youth Regional Dance Festival. Choreography is by Gail Vartanian and Michelle Jones Wurtz. This new work depicts the history of dance and music throughout time and the impact each have had on society in different eras.
Immediately following ContempraDance Theatre’s performance are the Youth Regional Dance Performers showcasing their talents.