ContempraDANCE Theatre “Ignites the Stage” March 29th @3:30pm 

ContempraDANCE Theatre Company is back presenting eclectic repertoire dance works such as “Intersect”. This piece takes you on a wild and bizarre journey through life with spectacular video footage, set designs, eclectic music and choreography. A visually spectacular multimedia work integrating dancers, video, photography, and original music.  Also “Variation of Blues”, a sensual and playful depiction of a journey through the world of the blues. Plus other exciting dance works. Come join us for an exciting afternoon of dance. Tickets:$30. http://tickets.shovation.com/ContempraDanceTheatreIgnitesTheStage

Join us for a dance workshop with the cast prior to the show. Classes in Hip Hop, Jazz and Contemporary. Workshop price: $125 (this includes the 3:30 pm show) Please email if you would like to sign up for this: studio@contempradance.com


The originators of the comedy tri-state area Nutcracker!!  No one cracks you up with lots of nuttiness like ContempraDANCE Theatre! Philly Nutt Crak-Up is a must see event!!


ContempraDANCE Theatre presents “Philly Nutt Crak-Up 2024”

A Comical Holiday Dance Spoof

Come celebrate our 21st season of Philly Nutt Crak-Up. New acts, new dolls, new cast. You don’t want to miss this one!!

By popular demand, ContempraDANCE Theatre’s “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” will be celebrating their 21st season in Manayunk. Join the infamous Rappin SugarPlum Fairy, battling Hip Hoppin Railway Rats, City Hall Dolls, Captain Philadelphia, and Liberty Belle-Anne, as they are sure to amaze audiences with this “nutty” take-off of the classic Nutcracker. Philly Nutt Crak-Up is based on an original rap song written by the SugarPlum Fairy herself. With her, you will travel to the Kingdom of Prussia and witness feats of theatrical entertainment including superheroes, dancing and performances by the Penn’s Angels and our very own Rocky with the South Street Rocky-Ettes. Philly Nutt Crak-Up is filled with references to local Philadelphia places, personalities, foods and skylines, combining comedy, hip-hop, jazz, modern and ballet dance to create a memorable event for our audience. Philly Nutt Crak-Up features the choreography of critically acclaimed Artistic Director Gail Vartanian as well as renowned hip hop artists from throughout the area. “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” has been featured in Philadelphia Magazine, Dance Magazine, the City Paper, a feature segment on Channel 6 ABC’s Prime Time Weekly show, NBC’s 10 show


WHEN: December 14 & 15

Venice Island Performing Arts Center
7 Lock Street
Philadelphia, PA. 19127

*Saturday December 14th @2:00pm
*Sunday December 15th @ 2:00pm

$40 Premium seating.
$35 Main Seating
(Reserved seating only)
(group rates available for 15 or more. Please call 610.225.3007 to reserve group rate tickets)

*Following the Saturday and Sunday matinee you can meet the Rappin SugarPlum Fairy and her “nutty” Philly Nutt cast and get your photo taken with them. Also a Q & A and autograph signing

*Saturday and Sunday,  ContempraDANCE Theatre Company host the “Youth Regional Dance Festival”. (Included with your ticket purchase). Pre-professional youth companies will perform on stage immediately following the Philly Nutt Crak-Up performance!

Order Online: Click Here

For more information call 610.225.3007 info@contempradance.com

Join us on Facebook and Instragram

Ticket sales begin on Monday, September 30th, 2024 at 12 pm noon ET.


We’re back for the 20th season of Philly Nutt Crak-Up! 2023

Come celebrate our 20th season of Philly Nutt Crak-Up. New acts, new dolls, new cast. You don’t want to miss this one!!

By popular demand, ContempraDANCE Theatre’s “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” will be celebrating  their 20th season in Manayunk. Join the infamous Rappin SugarPlum Fairy, battling Hip Hoppin Railway Rats, City Hall Dolls, Captain Philadelphia and Liberty Belle-Anne, as they are sure to amaze audiences with this “nutty” take-off of the classic Nutcracker. Philly Nutt Crak-Up is based on an original rap song written by the original SugarPlum Fairy herself. With her, you will travel to the Kingdom of Prussia and witness feats of theatrical entertainment including superheroes, dancing and performances by the Penn’s Angels and our very own Rocky with the South Street Rocky-Ettes. Philly Nutt Crak-Up is filled with references to local Philadelphia places, personalities, foods and skylines, combining comedy, hip-hop, jazz, modern and ballet dance to create a memorable event for our audience. Philly Nutt Crak-Up features the choreography of critically acclaimed Artistic Director Gail Vartanian as well as renowned hip hop artists from throughout the area. “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” has been featured in Philadelphia Magazine, Dance Magazine, the City Paper, a feature segment on Channel 6 ABC’s Prime Time Weekly show, NBC’s 10 show and Channel 17’s Eye Opener segment. New acts, new faces! Fun for all ages, even your DAD. You don’t want to miss this!


WHEN: December 16 & 17

Venice Island Performing Arts Center
7 Lock Street
Philadelphia, PA. 19127

*Saturday December 16th @2:00pm
*Saturday December 16th @ 7:00pm
*Sunday December 17th @ 2:00 pm

$40 Premium seating.
$35 Main Seating
(Reserved seating only)
(group rates available for 15 or more. Please call 610.225.3007 to reserve group rate tickets)

*Following the Saturday and Sunday matinee you can meet the Rappin SugarPlum Fairy and her “nutty” Philly Nutt cast and get your photo taken with them. Also a Q & A and autograph signing

*Sunday,  ContempraDANCE Theatre Company host the “Youth Regional Dance Festival”. (Included with your ticket purchase). Pre-professional youth companies will perform on stage immediately following the Philly Nutt Crak-Up performance!

Order Online: https://tickets.shovation.com/ContempraDANCETheatrePhillyNuttCrakUp

For more information call 610.225.3007 info@contempradance.com

Join us on facebook



“Excerpts from the original Philly Nutt Crak-Up”
Featuring our professional dancers and showcasing the ContempraYouth Company

Join our crew at Philly Nutt’s “Kingdom of Prussia” with Liberty Belle Anne and our Philly Cheesesteak Nerd.

You’ll see Jackson and Barbie girl.

These life size dolls are gonna rock your world!!

Wacky rats and toys to see

Kingdom of Prussia is the place to be!!


WHEN: December 18 & 19
Venice Island Performing Arts Center
7 Lock Street
Philadelphia, PA. 19127

*Saturday December 18th @7:00pm
*Sunday December 19th @ 2:00 pm

$25 General admission (limited seating)
Order Online Click Here
There will be no intermission.
Mask are required for audience and cast members
Live streaming will be available

For more information call 610.225.3007 info@contempradance.com
Artistic Director, Gail Vartanian

Please note: This is not the full-length version of the original Philly Nutt Crak-Up show. This is excerpts and highlights!

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ContempraDANCE Theatre Company Fires up the Stage 2019

We are back at the Painted Bride for an exciting weekend of dance! Featuring repertoire works by ContempraDANCE Theatre Company, A Hot Summer’s Night, Breaking Away, Beyond Words and lots more! With Guest Artists, BSwan Dance Company & Melange Contemporary Dance And performances by local Pre-Professional Youth Dancers (Sunday only)

WHEN: April 6 & 7
Painted Bride Art Center
230 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA. 19106

*Saturday April 6th rehearsal showcase at 7:30pm. Join us and watch our talented dancers in action during the rehearsal process. Discounted tickets are offered for this show only! *Sunday April 7, pre-professional dancers will perform after “Fires up the Stage”

Tickets: $25.00 General Admission 

For more information call 610.225.3007 info@contempradance.com
Join us on facebook



By popular demand, ContempraDANCE Theatre’s “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” will be in Manayunk for their first time with another season of sheer entertainment. Join the infamous Rappin SugarPlum Fairy, battling Hip Hoppin Railway Rats, City Hall Dolls, Captain Philadelphia and Liberty Belle-Anne, as they are sure to amaze audiences with this “nutty” take-off of the classic Nutcracker. Philly Nutt Crak Up is based on an original rap song written by the SugarPlum Fairy herself. With her, you will travel to the Kingdom of Prussia and witness feats of theatrical entertainment including superheroes, dancing and performances by the Penn’s Angels and our very own Rocky with the South Street Rocky-Ettes. “Wonder Woman” will also return this year with super charged battling power to entertain you! “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” is filled with references to local Philadelphia places, personalities, foods and skylines, combining comedy, hip-hop, jazz, modern and ballet dance creating a memorable event for our audience. Philly Nutt Crak-Up features the choreography of critically acclaimed Artistic Director Gail Vartanian as well as renowned hip hop artist from throughout the area. “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” has been featured in Philadelphia Magazine, Dance Magazine, the City Paper, a feature segment on Channel 6 ABC’s Prime Time Weekly show, NBC’s 10 show and Channel 17’s Eye Opener segment. New acts, new faces! Fun for all ages, even your DAD. You don’t want to miss this one!

WHEN: December 14 & 15
Venice Island Performing Arts Center
7 Lock Street
Philadelphia, PA. 19127

*Saturday December 14th @2:00pm and 7:30pm
*SOLD OUT! Sunday December 15th @ 2:00 pm

$35 Premium seating.
$30 Main Seating
(group rates available for 15 or more. Please call 610.225.3007 to reserve group rate tickets)
Order Tickets Online:
Dec 14th 2pm Show
Dec 14th 7:30pm Show
Dec 15th 2pm Show
*Following the matinees, ContempraDANCE Theatre Company host the “Youth Regional Dance Festival”. (included with your ticket purchase). Pre-professional youth companies will perform on stage immediately following the Philly Nutt Crak-Up performance!

For more information call 610.225.3007 info@contempradance.com
Join us on facebook



By popular demand, ContempraDANCE Theatre’s “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” returns to the Avenue of the Arts for its 15th year in Philadelphia for another season of sheer entertainment. Join the infamous Rappin SugarPlum Fairy, battling Hip Hoppin Railway Rats, City Hall Dolls, Captain Philadelphia and Liberty Belle-Anne, as they are sure to amaze audiences with this “nutty” take-off of the classic Nutcracker. Philly Nutt Crak Up is based on an original rap song written by the SugarPlum Fairy herself. With her, you will travel to the Kingdom of Prussia and witness feats of theatrical entertainment including superheroes, dancing and performances by the Penn’s Angels and our very own Rocky with the South Street Rocky-Ettes. “Wonder Woman” will also return this year with super charged battling power to entertain you! “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” is filled with references to local Philadelphia places, personalities, foods and skylines, combining comedy, hip-hop, jazz, modern and ballet dance creating a memorable event for our audience. Philly Nutt Crak-Up features the choreography of critically acclaimed Artistic Director Gail Vartanian as well as renowned hip hop artist from throughout the area. “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” has been featured in Philadelphia Magazine, Dance Magazine, the City Paper, a feature segment on Channel 6 ABC’s Prime Time Weekly show, NBC’s 10 show and Channel 17’s Eye Opener segment. New acts, new faces! Fun for all ages, even your DAD. You don’t want to miss this one!

WHEN: November 30, December 1 & 2
Suzanne Roberts Theater
480 South Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA. 19146

Friday November 30th @8:00pm
*Saturday December 1st @2:30pm and 8:00pm
*Sunday December 2nd @ 3:30 pm
Opening night fun!!… Meet the Nutty cast after the Friday evening show and mingle with the dancers!
Pre-show!!… join us Friday and Saturday evening at 6:30 for wine, beer and cheese!
*Saturday and Sunday…..Q & A with the dancers post performance.

$45 orchestra center (seats 7-16),rows C through H are premium seating.
$40 Everything else in orchestra is standard orchestra pricing.
$40 Mezzanine
(group rates available for 15 or more. Please call 610.225.3007 to reserve group rate tickets)
Order Tickets Online: Buy Tickets
*Following the matinees, ContempraDANCE Theatre Company host the “Youth Regional Dance Festival”. (included with your ticket purchase). Pre-professional youth companies will perform on stage immediately following the Philly Nutt Crak-Up performance!

For more information call 610.225.3007 info@contempradance.com
Join us on facebook

ContempraDANCE Theatre Company “Lights up the Stage”
Saturday April 21st

Featuring, TimeDance”, dances from the 1900’s to present day with music by Mozart, Benny Goodman, Beatles, Fifth Dimension, Gloria Gayner, Paula Abdul, McHammer and lots more! Also performing some of your favorite past repertoire works… “Within My Soul”, “Variation of Blues”, “Crash Course” and more surprises.

WHEN: April 21st
Painted Bride Art Center
230 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA. 19106
Parking Information
*Please allow ample time to get to the city and find parking. The parking lots can get full closer to show time. There is always street parking if you get there early enough.

Saturday April 21st @2:30 & 7:30pm
Immediately following “Lights up the Stage” ContempraDANCE Theatre Company hosts the “The 2018 Spring Youth Regional Dance Festival”. (included with your ticket purchase). Pre-professional youth companies will perform on stage.
Meet the cast after the 2:30 and 7:30 show
Join us pre-show Saturday at 6:30pm for wine, beer and cheese.

$30 general admission
$25 Children 12 & under
(group rates available for 15 or more. Please call 610.225.3007 to reserve group rate tickets)

For more information call 610.225.3007 info@contempradance.com
Join us on facebook


ContempraDANCE Theatre Company presents “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” 2017
December 15, 16, 17

By popular demand, ContempraDANCE Theatre’s “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” is back at the Painted Bride in Philadelphia for another season of sheer entertainment. Join the infamous Rappin SugarPlum Fairy, battling Hip Hoppin Rats, City Hall Dolls, Captain Philadelphia and Liberty Belle-Anne, as they are sure to amaze audiences with this “nutty” take-off of the classic Nutcracker. Philly Nutt Crak Up is based on an original rap song written by the SugarPlum Fairy herself. With her, you will travel to the Kingdom of Prussia and witness feats of theatrical entertainment including superheros, kung-fu fighting, dancing and performances by the Penn’s Angels and our very own Rocky with the South Street Rocky-Ettes. “Wonder Woman” will also return this year with super charged battling power to entertain you! “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” is filled with references to local Philadelphia places, personalities, foods and skylines, combining comedy, hip-hop, jazz, modern and ballet dance creating a memorable event for our audience. Philly Nutt Crak-Up features the choreography of critically acclaimed Artistic Director Gail Vartanian as well as renowned hip hop artist from throughout the area. “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” has been featured in Philadelphia Magazine, Dance Magazine, the City Paper, a feature segment on Channel 6 ABC’s Prime Time Weekly show, NBC’s 10 show and Channel 17’s Eye Opener segment. New acts, new faces! Fun for all ages, even your DAD. You don’t want to miss this one!

WHEN: December 15, 16,17
Painted Bride Art Center
230 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA. 19106
Parking Information
*Please allow ample time to get to the city and find parking. The parking lots can get full closer to show time. There is always street parking if you get there early enough.

Friday December 15th @ 7:30pm
**Saturday December 16th @ 2:00pm and 7:30pm
Sunday December 17th @ 1:00pm
Opening night fun!!… Meet the Nutty cast after the Friday evening show and mingle with the dancers!
Pre-show!!… join us Friday and Saturday evening at 6:30 for wine, beer and cheese!
Saturday and Sunday!!…Get autographs and photos taken with your favorite characters after the matinees!

$30 general admission
(group rates available for 15 or more. Please call 610.225.3007 to reserve group rate tickets)
Order tickets online at: www.paintedbride.org
**Following the matinees, ContempraDANCE Theatre Company host the “Youth Regional Dance Festival”. (included with your ticket purchase). Pre-professional youth companies will perform on stage immediately following the Philly Nutt Crak-Up performance!

For more information call 610.225.3007 info@contempradance.com
Join us on facebook

April 29th & 30th
ContempraDANCE Theatre Company “Ignites the Stage” with an afternoon of extraordinary dance featuring the premiere of “A Hot Summer’s Night” set to the music of jazz legend Charles Mingus and “August 3099”. Choreography by company member Bilal Simpson and Artistic Director Gail Vartanian. The Company will also perform other repertoire favorites including “Intersect”, a visually spectacular multimedia work integrating dancers, video, photography, and original music.


WHEN: April 29th & 30th
WHERE: Painted Bride Art Center
230 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA. 19106
Saturday April 29th @ 3:00
Sunday April 30th @ 3:00
Immediately following “Ignites the Stage” ContempraDANCE Theatre Company hosts the “The 2017 Youth Regional Dance Festival”. (included with your ticket purchase). Pre-professional youth companies will perform on stage.

$30 Adults
$25 Children 12 & under
(group rates available for 15 or more. Please call 610.225.3007 to reserve group rate tickets or for more info)
Order tickets online at: Click Here
March 25th
ContempraDANCE Theatre’s Annual Fundraising Event.
“Saturday Night Spring Fever” Put on your leisure suit and tallest platform shoes and join us for our Disco party! Or just come as you are! Company dancers will perform and teach you disco moves you won’t forget!
Enjoy cocktails, desserts and snacks.

When:Saturday 7:30-9:30pm
Where: ContempraDance School in Wayne
$50 per person
$80 per couple
RSVP by March 11th
For more information about signing up call: 610.225.3007


ContempraDANCE Theatre Company presents “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” 2016
December 10 & 11, 17 & 18
Saturday December 17th 2:00 show is SOLD OUT!
The other shows are still available.

By popular demand, ContempraDANCE Theatre’s “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” is back at the Painted Bride in Philadelphia for 2 weekends this season. Artistic Director, Gail Vartanian and her infamous Rappin SugarPlum Fairy return with the battling Hip Hoppin Rats, City Hall Dolls, Captain Philadelphia and Liberty Belle-Anne, for another season of the hilarious holiday dance spoof, “Philly Nutt Crak-Up”. This “nutty” holiday take-off of the classic Nutcracker is based on an original rap song written by the SugarPlum Fairy herself. This theatrical extravaganza is a story filled with superheroes, kung-fu fighting, Penn’s Angels and our very own South Street Rocky-Ettes at the Kingdom of Prussia. You don’t want to miss this year’s 2016 “surprise” new City Hall Doll as well as new acts to entertain you even more!! “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” is filled with references to local Philadelphia places, personalities, foods and skylines, combining comedy, hip-hop, jazz, modern and ballet dance creating a memorable event for our audience. “ Philly Nutt Crak-Up” has been featured in Philadelphia Magazine, Dance Magazine, the City Paper, a feature segment on Channel 6 ABC’s Prime Time Weekly show, NBC’s 10 show and Channel 17’s Eye Opener segment. New acts, new faces! Fun for all ages, even your DAD. You don’t want to miss this one!

WHEN: December 10 & 11, 17 & 18
Painted Bride Art Center
230 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA. 19106
Parking Information
*Please allow ample time to get to the city and find parking. The parking lots can get full closer to show time. There is always street parking if you get there early enough.

Saturday December 10th @ 7:30pm
**Sunday December 11th @ 2:00pm
**Saturday December 17th @ 2:00pm and 7:30pm
Sunday December 18th @ 2:00pm
Join us Saturday evening pre-show for wine, beer and cheese
Meet the Nutty cast after the December 18th matinee

$30 general admission
(group rates available for 15 or more. Please call 610.225.3007 to reserve group rate tickets)
Order tickets online at: www.danceboxoffice.com
**Following the 2:00 show Dec. 11th & 17th, ContempraDance Theatre Company host the “Youth Regional Dance Festival”. (included with your ticket purchase). Pre-professional youth companies will perform on stage immediately following the Philly Nutt Crak-Up performance!

For more information call 610.225.3007 info@contempradance.com
April 9 2016 (2 Shows)
ContempraDANCE Theatre Company “Then & Now”

Featuring choreography by Artistic Director Gail Vartanian and Company member Bilal Simpson. ContempraDANCE Theatre performs dances from the past featuring “NightDreams”, a mysterious expression of ones thoughts and movements during sleep, and the full length version of “TimeDance”, dances through time from 1900’s to present. This energetic work depicts the history of dance and music throughout time and the impact each have had on society in different eras. Also a new work “Vincent Van Gone” by Bilal Simpson and other surprises!

Performing after each show is the Youth Regional Dance Festival hosted by ContempraDANCE Theatre Company. Pre-professional youth dance companies perform from throughout the Philadelphia region. This show is included with your ticket purchase.

WHEN: April 9th
WHERE: Venice Island Performing Arts Center in Manayunk (on the Schuylkill River)
7 Lock St, Philadelphia, PA 19127

Saturday April 9th @ 1:30 pm Saturday April 9th @ 7:00 pm

$30 orchestra
$25 general admission
(group rates available for 15 or more. Please call 610.225.3007 to reserve group rate tickets)
Order tickets online at: Click Here
April 24 World Dance Day Northern Liberties, Philadelphia
May 9-13 TimeDance Artist n residency program at Hillside Elementary School in Devon


September 20th
WHERE: Radnor Fall Festival in Wayne PA.
Showtimes: 1:00-5:00 (exact performance times to be posted soon)
Come see our hip hopping Philly Nutt “Rats” perform some amazing stunts. The Company will also perform a few other dance works at the festival. This festival is free to the public

Philly Nutt Crak-Up
December 11-13

ContempraDANCE Theatre’s “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” is back at the Painted Bride in Philadelphia! Artistic Director, Gail Vartanian and her infamous Rappin SugarPlum Fairy return with the battling Hip Hoppin Rats, City Hall Dolls, Captain Philadelphia and Liberty Belle-Anne, for another season of the hilarious holiday dance spoof, “Philly Nutt Crak-Up”. This “nutty” holiday take-off of the classic Nutcracker is based on an original rap song written by the SugarPlum Fairy herself. This theatrical extravaganza is a story filled with superheroes, kung-fu fighting, Penn’s Angels and our very own South Street Rocky-Ettes at the Kingdom of Prussia. You don’t want to miss this year’s “surprise” new City Hall Dolls as well as new acts to entertain you even more!! “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” is filled with references to local Philadelphia places, personalities, foods and skylines, combining comedy, hip-hop, jazz, modern and ballet dance creating a memorable event for our audience. “ Philly Nutt Crak-Up” has been featured in Philadelphia Magazine, Dance Magazine, the City Paper, a feature segment on Channel 6 ABC’s Prime Time Weekly show, NBC’s 10 show and Channel 17’s Eye Opener segment. New acts, new faces! Fun for all ages, even your DAD. You don’t want to miss this one!

WHEN: December 11, 12, 13
Painted Bride Art Center
230 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA. 19106
Parking Information
*Please allow ample time to get to the city and find parking. The parking lots can get full closer to show time. There is always street parking if you get there early enough.

Friday December 11 @ 7:30pm
**Saturday December 12 @ 2:00pm and 7:30pm
*Sunday December 13 @ 2:00pm
Join us Friday and Saturday evening pre-show for wine, beer and cheese
*Sunday you can meet the nutty cast and get their autographs after the 2pm matinee

$30 general admission
(group rates available for 15 or more. Please call 610.225.3007 to reserve group rate tickets)
Order tickets online at: www.danceboxoffice.com
**Following the 2:00 show, ContempraDance Theatre Company host the “Youth Regional Dance Festival”. (included with your ticket purchase). Pre-professional youth companies will perform on stage immediately following the Philly Nutt Crak-Up performance!

For more information call 610.225.3007 info@contempradance.com
Philly Nutt Crak-Up promo video: Click Here
April 18 & 19
Blast the stage 2015

ContempraDANCE Theatre Company “Blast the Stage”
Featuring choreography by Artistic Director Gail Vartanian with guest choreographer Alassane Wat of France. The Company performs the highly acclaimed “Intersect”, a visually spectacular multimedia work integrating dancers, video, photography, and original music by Autovon and Kevin Olinik from Divine Loraine. Also “Ella” an intense portrayal of a woman’s fear, joy and passions during the Spanish War. Plus more exciting new dance works by Alassane Wat and Gail Vartanian including her latest work, “Cellphonia”, the craziness of constant cell phone use. This is a show you don’t want to miss!!

WHEN: April 18 & 19
WHERE: Painted Bride Art Center
230 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA. 19106
Parking Information

Saturday April 18th @ 8:00pm
Sunday April 19th @ 2:00pm
General admission
$25 advance ticket sales
$30 at the door

Join us Saturday evening for music, wine and cheese before the show.

To order tickets: Click Here
Or call 215.925.9914 ext. 301

For more info call ContempraDANCE Theatre: 610.225.3007


December 5th, 6th & 7th

Philly Nutt 2014

ContempraDANCE Philly Nutt Crak-Up returns to the Painted Bride! Artistic Director, Gail Vartanian and her infamous Rappin SugarPlum Fairy are back with the battling Hip Hoppin Rats, City Hall Dolls, Captain Philadelphia and Liberty Belle-Anne, for another season of the hilarious holiday dance spoof, “Philly Nutt Crak-Up”. This “nutty” holiday take-off of the classic Nutcracker is based on an original rap song written by the SugarPlum Fairy herself. This theatrical extravaganza is a story filled with superheroes, kung-fu fighting, Penn’s Angels and our very own South Street Rocky-Ettes at the Kingdom of Prussia. “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” is filled with references to local Philadelphia places, personalities, foods and skylines, combining comedy, hip-hop, jazz, modern and ballet dance creating a memorable event for our audience. “ Philly Nutt Crak-Up” has been featured in Philadelphia Magazine, Dance Magazine, the City Paper, a feature segment on Channel 6 ABC’s Prime Time Weekly show and NBC’s 10 show. New acts, new faces! Fun for all ages, even your DAD. You don’t want to miss this one!

WHEN: December 5,6,7
WHERE: Painted Bride Art Center
230 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA. 19106
Parking Information

Friday December 5 @ 7:30pm
Saturday December 6 @ 2:30pm and 7:30pm
Sunday December 8 @ 1:30pm

$35 general admission

December 1-12th. 2 week residency program at Ithan Elementary School Radnor Pa.
The ContempraDANCE Theatre Company will perform “TimeDance” for the school students and teach various genres of dance to grades K thur 5th.

September 21

Radnor Fall Festival – Wayne Pa.
October 11 & 12

Back by popular demand!!
ContempraDANCE Theatre Company “Sparks the Stage”

ContempraDANCE Theatre Company returns to the Painted Bride with an encore performance of “Sparks the Stage” featuring the new full length version of the vibrant & colorful, “Exotic Birds”, expressive art & dance, “Beyond Words”, provocative, “Variation of Blues”, the wild and crazy “Crash Course” plus more exciting works by artistic director and choreographer, Gail Vartanian and Company.

WHEN: October 11, 12
WHERE: Painted Bride Art Center
230 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA. 19106
Parking Information

Saturday October 11th @ 7:30
Sunday October 12th @ 2:00

Join us Saturday evening for wine, beer and cheese before the show.

April 27th

ContempraDANCE Theatre Company performs “Variation of Blues” and an excerpt from “Exotic Birds ” at the World Dance Day festival in Philly!! We perform in the 12:00 and 2:00 show.

954 Dance Movement Collective is proud to present the World Dance Day festival, to be held April 27th at the Piazza at Schmidt’s in Northern Liberties at North Second Street and Germantown Avenue, below Girard in Philadelphia

The festival is an all-ages event, free and open to the public. Our goal is to bring people together to enjoy dance, and to demonstrate the diversity of the Greater Philadelphia dance community!

World Dance Day in Philadelphia is the great thing that happens when local dance artists and teachers get together to celebrate Philly dance. For the fourth year in a row, dance groups, dancers, choreographers and teachers are donating their talents for this free fun family outdoor event that reminds us all that it’s good to boogie. All levels of movers are encouraged to dust off those winter cobwebs and dance into spring!

May 3 & 4 2014

ETC Performance Series

Featuring Talent By:
Underground DanceWorks (UDW), ContempraDANCE Theatre Company, Antonia Z. Brown, RenZoku DanceWorks, MarDelDance Company, SURGE Dance Team, Ballet 180, Meredith Stapleton, Kalila Smith, David Pershica & TAPography, Greg Anmuth and Reggie “TapMan” Myers

ContempraDANCE Theatre Company performs an excerpts from “Exotic Birds” and “Variation of Blues”.

WHERE: Community Education Center (CEC)
3500 Lancaster Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19104

TICKETS: $10 general admission; $8 students/seniors
Tickets available on danceboxoffice.com

March 29th & 30th

Spark the Stage

ContempraDANCE Theatre Company “Sparks the Stage”

Featuring new full length version of the vibrant & colorful, “Exotic Birds”, expressive art & dance, “Beyond Words” and provocative, Variation of Blues

Saturday, March 29th, at 8:00 PM
*Sunday, March 30th, at 2:30 PM
* ContempraDANCE Theatre presents the Youth Regional Dance Festival immediately following the Company’s Sunday 2:30 performance.

The Performance Garage
1515 Brandywine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19130

Tickets: $25

For more information call: 610.225.3007
Email us at: info@contempradance.com
We accept visa and mastercard


December 6, 7, 8th

Philly Nutt Crack Up

The Avenue of the Arts comes to life with holiday magic in ContempraDANCE Theatre’s “Philly Nutt Crak-Up”, a comical dance-filled spoof of the Nutcracker. Fun for the whole family!

Artistic Director, Gail Vartanian and her infamous Rappin SugarPlum Fairy are back with the battling Hip Hoppin Rats, City Hall Dolls, Captain Philadelphia and Liberty Belle-Anne, for another season of the hilarious holiday dance spoof, “Philly Nutt Crak-Up”. This “nutty” holiday take-off of the classic Nutcracker is based on an original rap song written by the SugarPlum Fairy herself. This theatrical extravaganza is a story filled with superheroes, kung-fu fighting, Penn’s Angels and our very own South Street Rocky-Ettes at the Kingdom of Prussia. “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” is filled with references to local Philadelphia places, personalities, foods and skylines, combining comedy, hip-hop, jazz, modern and ballet dance creating a memorable event for our audience. “ Philly Nutt Crak-Up” has been featured in Philadelphia Magazine, Dance Magazine, the City Paper, a feature segment on Channel 6 ABC’s Prime Time Weekly show and NBC’s 10 show. New acts, new faces! Fun for all ages, even your DAD. You don’t want to miss this one!

Fri, December 6 @ 7:30pm
Sat, December 7 @ 2pm and 7:30pm
Sun, December 8 @ 3pm
*Sunday you can meet the nutty cast and get their autographs after the 3pm matinee

The Wilma Theater
265 S Broad Street (Broad & Spruce Streets)
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Adults & Children $35 assigned seating
College Students (with ID): $25

For more information call: 610.225.3007
Email us at: info@contempradance.com

Dance Up”Leadership Support for the New Stages for Dance Initiative is provided by
MetLife Foundation.
New Stages for Dance is a program of Dance/USA Philadelphia”

November 14th

Ray of Hope International Foundation invites you to Sabor del Latino- (Latin Flavors) An evening benefitting Inglis House

ContempraDANCE Theatre Company performs excerpts from “Ella” with dancers Kristin Gianoukas, Daria Vartanian-Gibbs, Kathleen Kerner and Alberto Colon Jr. The ContempraYouth Dance Ensemble will also perform “Kisseritas” from the “Philly Nutt Crak-Up”.

Thursday, November 14th 6:30 – 9:00pm
The Saturday Club
117 W Wayne Ave
Wayne, PA 19087

For more information and tickets contact: info@letsgivehope.org 215.280.3241


April 6th & 7th

ContempraDance Theatre performs three eclectic dance works. The pulsating “Whispering Echoes”, the hilarious “Hangeraphobia”, and “TimeDance”, dances through time from 1900’s to present.

The Saturday 7:30 evening show will also include “My Baby Grand” and “Crash Course”. (these 2 pieces will not be performed during the matinee shows)

Performing after the show is the Youth Regional Dance Festival sponsored by ContempraDance Theatre. These are various pre-professional dance companies performing from throughout the Philadelphia region.

Saturday, April 6th, at 3:00 PM ContempraDance Theatre & Youth Regional Dance Festival
Saturday, April 6th, at 7:30 PM ContempraDance Theatre presents “Heats The Stage”, an evening of mixed repertoire works including Whispering Echoes, Hangeraphobia, TimeDance, My Baby Grand and Crash Course.
Sunday, April 7th, at 3:00 PM ContempraDance Theatre & Youth Regional Dance Festival

The Performance Garage
1515 Brandywine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19130

$20 Advance
$25 At the door

For more information call: 610.225.3007
Email us at: info@contempradance.com
Please note: Do not call the Performance Garage about tickets. All tickets can be purchased through ContempraDance Theatre at 610.225.3007. We accept visa/mastercard. There is a $2.50 service charge for over the phone orders. This show sells out fast so we suggest getting your tickets in advance.
Tickets for the Saturday, April 6th, at 7:30 PM Performance are available on line Click Here
Please note: the above link is for the one show only, the other shows are almost sold out. call the Theater for availabilty.


Sunday April 28, 2013

ContempraDance Theatre performs excerpts from TimeDance at the World Dance Day festival in Philly!! We perform in the 2:00 show.

954 Dance Movement Collective is proud to present the World Dance Day festival, to be held April 28th at the Piazza at Schmidt’s in Northern Liberties at North Second Street and Germantown Avenue, below Girard in Philadelphia

The festival is an all-ages event, free and open to the public. Our goal is to bring people together to enjoy dance, and to demonstrate the diversity of the Greater Philadelphia dance community!

World Dance Day in Philadelphia is the great thing that happens when local dance artists and teachers get together to celebrate Philly dance. For the fourth year in a row, dance groups, dancers, choreographers and teachers are donating their talents for this free fun family outdoor event that reminds us all that it’s good to boogie. All levels of movers are encouraged to dust off those winter cobwebs and dance into spring!

Hope you can come join us!


May 6th thru 10th

ContempraDance Theatre perform, teach and choreography for the students at Devon Elementary school’s Arts Express Week!


December 15th & 16th

Exciting News!
KESWICK THEATRE will present ContempraDance Theatre’s “Philly Nutt Crak-Up” as part of their performance 2012-13 venue series!

The Rappin SugarPlum Fairy is back with her battling Hip Hoppin Rats, City Hall Dolls, Captain Philadelphia and Liberty Belle-Anne for another season of the hilarious holiday dance spoof, “Philly-Nutt-Crak-Up”. This crazy holiday take-off of the Nutcracker is based on an original rap song written by the SugarPlum Fairy herself. A story filled with superheroes, kung-fu fighting, and making friends at the Kingdom of Prussia, the “Philly-Nutt-Crak-Up” combine’s comedy, hip-hop, jazz, modern and ballet dance to create a memorable event for our audience. The story is filled with references to local Philadelphia places, personalities, foods and skylines. The Philly Nutt has been featured in Philadelphia Magazine, Dance Magazine, the City Paper, a feature segment on 6 ABC’s Prime Time Weekly show, Dec. 2007 and NBC’s 10 show, Dec. 2009. New acts, new faces!! Appropriate for all audiences. You don’t want to miss this one!!

Saturday, December 15th, at 7:30 PM
Sunday, December 16th, at 2:00 PM
*Sunday you can meet the nutty cast and get their autographs after the 2:00 matinee.
March 16th & 17th

Artistic Director Gail Vartanian of ContempraDance Theatre and Artistic Director Scott Park of Dangerous And Movin’ Dance Company present an evening of eclectic dance. Each company will premiere new dance works choreographed by the directors. The show will surely wow the audiences with their mesmerizing and exuberant choreography

Friday, March 16th, at 8:00 PM
Saturday, March 17th, at 8:00 PM

The Performance Garage
1515 Brandywine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19130

Ticket Prices: Adults $20 – Children $15 – Students $15 with ID

Youth Regional Dance Festival will be Saturday March 17th at 3:30




December 9th-11th

ContempraDance Theatre’s
Mandell Theater, Drexel University
33rd & Chestnut St. Philadelphia
The Rappin SugarPlum Fairy is back in Philly with her battling Hip Hoppin Rats, City Hall Dolls, Captain Philadelphia and Liberty Belle-Anne for another season of the hilarious holiday dance spoof, “Philly-Nutt-Crak-Up”. This crazy holiday take-off of the Nutcracker is based on an original rap song written by the SugarPlum Fairy herself. A story filled with superheroes, kung-fu fighting, and making friends at the Kingdom of Prussia, the “Philly-Nutt-Crak-Up” combine’s comedy, hip-hop, jazz, modern and ballet dance to create a memorable event for our audience. The story is filled with references to local Philadelphia places, personalities, foods and skylines. The Philly Nutt has been featured in Philadelphia Magazine, Dance Magazine, the City Paper, a feature segment on 6 ABC’s Prime Time Weekly show, Dec. 2007 and NBC’s 10 show, Dec. 2009. New acts, new faces!! Appropriate for all audiences.You don’t want to miss this one!!

December 9th Philly Nutt Crak-Up – 7:30 pm
December 10th – Philly Nutt Crak-Up – 2:00 pm (followed by the Youth Regional Dance Festival)
December 10th – Philly Nutt Crak-Up – 7:30 pm
*December 11th – Philly Nutt Crak-Up – 2:00 pm (followed by the Youth Regional Dance Festival)
Ticket Prices: Adults $26 – Children $22 – Students $22 with ID

*Sunday you can meet the nutty cast and get their autographs after the 2:00 matinee.
For more information call: 610.225.3007


ContempraDance Theatre presents a weekend of extraordinary dance at the Painted Bride. Friday at 8:00 pm is ContempraDance Theatre and Philly’s Dance Collective. Saturday 2:30 pm matinee is ContempraDance Theatre performing eclectic dance works by Artistic Director, Gail Vartanian followed by performances of the Youth Regional Dance Festival, pre-professional youth companies from throughout the Philadelphia area.

Friday, March 11 8:00 show- ContempraDance Theatre & Philly’s Dance Collective:
ContempraDance Theatre with Dangerous And Movin’ Dance Company, KathleenGlynn/coEXISTdance, JT Lotus Dance Company and FuSia Dance Company

Saturday March 12th, 2:30 pm ContempraDance Theatre and Youth Regional Dance Festival
ContempraDance Theatre performs audiences favorite dance works including Exotic Birds, Hangeraphobia, Within My Soul and more.
Followed by the Youth Regional Dance Festival. Performances by: ContempraYouth Dancers, Lederach Dance Company, Verve Danz Ensemble, Hand Cap Dance, Magnolia Academy of Dance & LeRoux School of Dance

Tickets $20 general admission
Friday Performance 8:00 pm
Saturday Performance 2:30 pm


February 6 & 7
ContempraDance Theatre performs at the ETC Performance Series

When: Saturday February 6, 2009
Sunday February 7, 2009
8pm show time both nights

Where: The Community Education Center (CEC)
3500 Lancaster Avenue
Philadelphia , PA 19104

Admission: $7 general; $5 Students/DancePass

For info: (215) 387-1911 or etc.series@yahoo.com

May 21 & 22
ContempraDance Theatre, Youth Regional Dance Festival and Philly’s Dance Collective

“Philly’s Dance Collective” featuring Philly’s top professional dance companies/artists:

Friday May 21, 7:30 pm
Kelly Adorno/coEXISTdance, ContempraDance Theatre, Diana Jewell & Dancers, MarDelDance, Versatile Hip Hop Dance Company, ETCH Dance Co., Dangerous And Movin’ Dance Company

Saturday May 22, 7:30 pm
ContempraDance Theatre, JT Lotus Dance Company, Kate Jordan Dance Theatre, The Moving Company, Charles Tyson Jr., Melange Contemporary Dance Company, Christina Catanese and Julia Cuccaro

Tickets $20 general admission
Friday Performance 7:30 pm
Saturday Performance 7:30 pm
Order Tickets Online: Click Here

ContempraDance Theatre
Youth Regional Dance Festival

Saturday May 22, 2:30 pm
ContempraDance Theatre presents an afternoon of eclectic dance works featuring two premiere dance works by Artistic Director, Gail Vartanian with guest choreographer John Corsa (Parsons Dance Company) and guest musician, Myke Knauff.

Performance begins at 2:30 pm followed by a special performance of the “Youth Regional Dance Festival”, the regions top pre-professional youth dance companies featuring, ContempraYouth Dancers, Chester Valley Dance Company, LeRoux School of Dance, Hand Cap Dance, Nardhana Academy of Dance, Lederach Dance Co., Dance One Contemporary Ballet Theatre, Do Crew, Do Tap, Jr. Performers of West Chester Dance Works

Saturday Performance 2:30 pm
Tickets $20 general admission

Painted Bride Art Center
230 Vine Street
Philadelphia, Pa

December 10-11th
ContempraDance Theatre’s
Mandell Theater, Drexel University
33rd & Chestnut St. Philadelphia
The Rappin SugarPlum Fairy is back in Philly with her battling Hip Hoppin Rats, City Hall Dolls, Captain Philadelphia and Liberty Belle-Anne for another season of the hilarious holiday dance spoof, “Philly-Nutt-Crak-Up”. This crazy holiday take-off of the Nutcracker is based on an original rap song written by the SugarPlum Fairy herself. A story filled with superheroes, kung-fu fighting, and making friends at the Kingdom of Prussia, the “Philly-Nutt-Crak-Up” combine’s comedy, hip-hop, jazz, modern and ballet dance to create a memorable event for our audience. The story is filled with references to local Philadelphia places, personalities, foods and skylines. The Philly Nutt has been featured in Philadelphia Magazine, Dance Magazine, the City Paper, a feature segment on 6 ABC’s Prime Time Weekly show, Dec. 2007 and NBC’s 10 show, Dec. 2009. Appropriate for all audiences. You can’t miss this one!

December 10th – 7:30 pm
December 11th – Philly Nutt Crak-Up – 2:00 pm (followed by the Youth Regional Dance Festival)
December 11th – Philly Nutt Crak-Up – 7:30 pm
Ticket Prices: Adults $26 – Children $22 – Students $22 with ID
For more information call: 610.225.3007



April 18th
An Evening of Duets
With Annex Dance Company, Tara Madsen Dance, Vada Dance Collective, Hersouldances, and ContempraDance Theatre
ContempraDance Theatre will perform “Henry & Me”
Community Education Center (CEC), 3500 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia
8:00 pm

April 25th
ContempraDance Theatre “Lights the Stage”
ContempraDance Theatre “Lights the Stage” with captivating dance works including the riveting multimedia “Intersect” with original music and innovative lighting design, the uncanny “Night Dreams,” and the premiere of “FoogeeMoment,” featuring interesting set designs and costumes
Hobson C. Wagner Auditorium, Conestoga High School, 200 Irish Road, Berwyn, PA
7:30 pm

May 15th & 16th
ContempraDance Theatre presents Philly’s Dance Collective
Philadelphia based dance companies/artists come together to present an evening of eclectic dance works in all genres of dance.

Friday, May 15th: Alchemy Dance Company, Brandywine Ballet Theatre, Chisena Danza, ContempraDance Theatre, Leslie Parker, Pink Hair Affair, Versatile Dance Company, West Chester Dance Works Signature Company

Saturday, May 16th: Annex Dance Company, Artists in Rhythm, ContempraDance Theatre, Impressions Dance Collective, Illadelph Phlava, Kate Jordan, Tara Madsen, SHARP Dance Company, The Urmika Devi Dance Collective

Painted Bride Arts Center 2nd and Vine Streets, Philadelphia PA
7:30 pm Both Evenings

November 14th
Marywood University, Scranton, Pennsylvania
Master Class Workshop
ContempraDance Performance 7:30 pm
Tickets $15
$7.50 for students and seniors
Free with Marywood ID
Tickets are available at the door

November 20 & 21
ContempraDance Theatre presents a weekend of spectacular dance!

“Philly’s Dance Collective” featuring Philly’s top professional dance companies/artists
Friday November 20th:
ContempraDance Theatre, Kate Jordan, Extreme Kicks, West Chester Dance Works Signature Co., 180 Dance Company, Diana Jewell, Marcel Williams Foster, Louis DeVaughn Nelson

Saturday November 21st:
ContempraDance Theatre, SHARP Dance Co., Chisena Dance, Dangerous & Movin` Dance Co., JT Lotus Dance Co., David Perschica & Tapography, Tara Madsen, Francesca Stigliano

Friday Performance 7:30 pm
Saturday Performance 7:30 pm
Tickets $20
Order Tickets Online: Click Here

ContempraDance Theatre presents an afternoon of eclectic dance works with choreography by Gail Vartanian
Saturday November 21st at 2:30 pm followed by a special performance of the “Youth Regional Dance Festival”, the regions top pre-professional youth dance companies featuring, ContempraYouth Dancers, Verve Danz Ensemble, Chester Valley Dance Company, LeRoux School of Dance, Academy of Notre Dame, Hand Cap Dance, Nardhana Academy of Dance, FuSia Pre-Professional Dance Company

Tickets $20
Painted Bride Art Center, 230 Vine Street, Philadelphia Pa 610.225.3007
Order Tickets Online: Click Here

December 11-12th
ContempraDance Theatre’s
Mandell Theater, Drexel University
33rd & Chestnut St. Philadelphia
The Rappin SugarPlum Fairy is back in Philly with her battling Hip Hoppin Rats, City Hall Dolls, Captain Philadelphia and Liberty Belle-Anne for another season of the hilarious holiday dance spoof, “Philly-Nutt-Crak-Up”. This crazy holiday take-off of the Nutcracker is based on an original rap song written by the SugarPlum Fairy herself. A story filled with superheroes, kung-fu fighting, and making friends at the Kingdom of Prussia, the “Philly-Nutt-Crak-Up” combine’s comedy, hip-hop, jazz, modern and ballet dance to create a memorable event for our audience. The story is filled with references to local Philadelphia places, personalities, foods and skylines. The Philly Nutt has been featured in Philadelphia Magazine, Dance Magazine, the City Paper and a feature segment on 6 ABC’s Prime Time Weekly show (Dec. 2007). Appropriate for all audiences of all ages. You can’t miss this one!

December 11 – 7:30 pm
December 12 – 2:30 pm & 7:30 pm
Ticket Prices: Adults $25 – Children $22 – Students $22 with ID
Order Tickets Online: Click Here

Saturday 2:30 Show…bring a camera and have your child get an autograph and photo taken with your favorite Philly Nutt character after the show!!



December 12-14th
ContempraDance Theatre “Craks the Ice”
Painted Bride Art Center, Philadelphia, Pa.
The Rappin SugarPlum Fairy is back in Philly with her battling Hip Hoppin Rats, City Hall Dolls, Captain Philadelphia and Liberty Belle-Anne for another season of the hilarious holiday dance spoof, “Philly-Nutt-Crak-Up”. This crazy holiday take-off of the Nutcracker is based on an original rap song written by the SugaPlum Fairy herself. A story filled with superheroes, kung-fu fighting, and making friends at the Kingdom of Prussia, the “Philly-Nutt-Crak-Up” combine’s comedy, hip-hop, jazz, modern and ballet dance to create a memorable event for our audience.The story is filled with references to local Philadelphia places, personalities, foods and skylines. Once a small production, this performance has grown to feature 5 shows in one weekend with a wine & hor’deurves cast party as well as features in Philadelphia Magazine, Dance Magazine, the City Paper and a feature segment on 6 ABC’s Prime Time Weekly show (Dec. 2007). Appropriate for all audiences of all ages. You can’t miss this one!

December 12 8:00 pm
December 13 2:30 pm & 8:00 pm
December 14 12:30 & 4:30 pm
12:30 Sunday Matinee…. .bring a camera and have your child get an autograph and photo taken with your favorite Philly Nutt character after the show!!
Friday evening post performance wine & hor d’oeuvres reception (meet the cast and directors of Philly-Nutt)

March 29th
Valley Forge Middle School Auditorium, Wayne, PA

April 5
Hobson C. Wagner Auditorium, Conestoga High School, Berwyn, PA
ContempraDance Theatre Rocks the Stage with the premiere of LIfesCircle. This striking work depicts the evolution of women and celebration of life with choreography by Artistic Director, Gail Vartanian with visual art by New York artist, Jen Mazer. Students from Conestoga High School Art Department are designing and constructing the sets for this new dance work. Music by Kitaro, Yes, Barbara Streisand, Madonna and Andreas Vollenweider. Also on the program and back by popular demand is TimeDance. This work depicts the history of dance and music throughout time and the impact each have had on society in different eras with choreography by Gail Vartanian and Michelle Jones Wurtz. Music by Fifth Dimension, Benny Goodman, Crystal Method, Mozart, Beatles, Gloria Gayner, Paula Abdul, MC Hammer and more. The Company will also perform the hilarious, Hangeraphobia, the sultry, Variation of Blues and the exuberant, Exotic Birds.

Friday, October 17th
ContempraDance Theatre presents, Philly’s Dance Collective at the Painted Bride Art Center, Philadelphia Pa.

Philadelphia based companies come together to present an evening of eclectic dance works in all genres of dance with Tara Madsen, ContempraDance Theatre, Tapography Dancers, Brandywine Ballet Theatre, Versatile Hip Hop Dance Company, Sharp Dance Company, Kate Jordan Dance, Alchemy Dance Company and Chisena Danza .

Saturday, October 18th
ContempraDance Theatre performs original dance works by Artistic Director and choreographer, Gail Vartanian (full length show)
Within My Soul, Whispering Echoes, Intersect and more



December 14-16
Painted Bride Art Center, Philadelphia, Pa.
The Rappin SugarPlum Fairy is back in Philly with her battling Hip Hoppin Rats, City Hall Dolls, Captain Philadelphia and Liberty Belle-Anne for another season of the hilarious holiday dance spoof, “Philly-Nutt-Crak-Up”.This original story and rap with a twist on the well-known holiday favorite, the Nutcracker, combining comedy, hip-hop, jazz, modern and ballet dance. “Philly-Nutt-Crak-Up” is filled with references to local Philadelphia places, personalities, foods and skylines. ContempraDance Theatre is the only dance company in the Philadelphia area to bring this top-notch hilarious holiday dance spoof to local audiences.

December 14 8:00 pm
December 15 2:30 pm & 8:00 pm
December 16 11:30 am & 4:00 pm
Friday evening post performance wine & hor d’oeuvres reception (meet the cast and directors of Philly-Nutt)

October 6th
Hobson C. Wagner Auditorium, Berwyn. Pa.
Performing “TimeDance” , “Intersect”, and “Beyond Words”
7:30 performance
October 1-5
Artist in Residency program at Conestoga High School
*Five days of master dance classes for Conestoga High School Dance students.
*One half day dance workshop (The workshop will include lecture, demonstrations, and pre/post performance discussions and a new piece of choreography for the students to perform in the Saturday night full length production. This includes Conestoga students, Great Valley and Downingtown high school dance students).
*40 minute performance assembly program by ContempraDanceTheatre, performing “TimeDance”

April 30-May 4th, 2007
ContempraDance Theatre’s outreach program
Devon Elementary Arts Express week.
Performing TimeDance for 500 Elementary school students
The company will do workshop daily and teach the students a rap and dances from different eras.

April 21, 2007
1:30 pm
Hill School Center for the Arts, Pottstown PA
ContempraDance Theatre premieres a new dance work for the Youth Regional Dance Festival by choreographers Gail Vartanian and Michelle Jones Wurtz.

ContempraDance Theatre presents the third annual 2007 Youth Regional Dance Festival at Hill School Center for the Arts, Saturday, April 21 at 1:30 pm. Each year, this show gathers youth dance groups, comprised of dancers age 7 through 17 from across the region, performing a variety of dance styles. Young dancers enjoy the opportunity to showcase their talents in a non-competitive, creative atmosphere while performing in a professional arena. The festival is part of ContempraDance Theatre’s ongoing effort to bring dance into the spotlight in schools, communities and regional events for youth. Proceeds will help benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

ContempraDance Theatre premieres a new dance work, “TimeDance” for the Youth Regional Dance Festival. Choreography is by Gail Vartanian and Michelle Jones Wurtz. This new work depicts the history of dance and music throughout time and the impact each have had on society in different eras.

Immediately following ContempraDance Theatre’s performance are the Youth Regional Dance Performers showcasing their talents.